When you are concerned about risk, Nicaragua might be the answer you’ve been looking for!

Precisely why that is the case is a fascinating story.

Nicaragua has redefined itself over the last 20 years so that it is now becoming a destination country for people looking for the next big thing.

The numbers of people visiting Nicaragua and the number of people who have invested in the country have been on a dramatic upward trajectory.

The New Nicaragua has emerged as the must see destination in Central America.

In uncertain times, people head for the hills.

They are attracted to a haven where they can ride out the storm, which in this case is international economic upheaval.

Placing resources in a country like Nicaragua places you a world apart, yet convenience and luxury is never far away.

Today, there is plenty of risk at home.

Many of these risks are unappealing to say the least—having to endure another drab and cold winter, uncertainty about financial institutions or allowing your investments to stagnate for another year.

LAYA offers an alternative to this stale cycle.

Living in North America, there is a good chance that many people will not get out of the rat race until it is too late to really enjoy retirement.

There is a global economy and a personal economy.

Luckily, in Nicaragua, your personal economy has never looked brighter. Escape high prices. Escape chores. Escape winter.

There is risk in Nicaragua, too.

There is the risk you might fall in love, discover the adventure of a lifetime or want to extend your stay after being exposed to the warmth of the Nicaraguan people and the vibrant culture.

A prudent way to manage risk is to select the absolute best a country has to offer.

LAYA is the preeminent development group in Nicaragua with associated renown brands, making property especially exclusive and desirable at LAYA.

Race the horizon by sailboat or personal watercraft…

Dive below the surface for a scuba or snorkeling adventure…

Get up close and personal with live whales…

Learn to surf or fish the world class waters of Nicaragua…

Accept the challenge – and rewards – of some of the world’s best deep sea fishing… it’s all yours in Nicaragua.

With the vibrant colonial cities of Granada and Leon nearby, it is also possible to absorb some of the rich culture offered by this former capital of the country.

LAYA offers you a perfect way to balance risk.

Eliminate the risk of non-participation and portfolio stagnation.

Indulge in the risk of adventure, exploration and investment by visiting the most enticing country in Central America.

After all, you have everything to gain.

When you wish to join the forward-thinking lifestyle investors who seek both high returns and high quality of life, look no further than LAYA.

When you’re interested, we can give you even more excellent reasons to explore a new life in Nicaragua, whether you’re interested in vacationing, retiring, starting a new business or investing in the lucrative opportunities that abound.

We are very excited about the future of our growing resort and would love to help you learn more about LAYA and Nicaragua’s Pacific Coast.

Join fellow adventurers who have registered for more information today.

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